OCD… It's Not A Myth…

Shreya The Randomist
2 min readJul 2, 2020

We all are aware of OCD, right? Obsessive Compulsion Disorder- not many talk about this very often. And some even say that it is a myth, and those who complain that they have OCD are just people with no self-control. Let me make my point here: it is no myth, and people do really suffer. As its name suggests, it is a disorder. Just like sleeping disorders. Statistics say that about 1.2% of the world’s population suffers from OCD, i.e., the number of known cases is 1%. There are still a lot of people around us who may be suffering, but we may not know. In fact, they may not know it themselves.

But if left unattended, it may just get worse. It is a chronic disease, which may take long years to cure, and sometimes it doesn’t. Now you may be thinking as to why I am particularly focusing on OCD.

Stats say that about 1% of the total population with OCD die by suicide. So it's not a joke anymore. It is a disorder that may either be inherited or rarely, acquired. Now, for those who ask if people with OCD are dangerous, yes they are. They are for themselves. So do not panic and help out your friends who suffer from this disorder. This disorder may also be linked with Schizophrenia, which is a mental illness, where a person has several voices in their heads and sometimes hallucinates. This would increase their amount of anxiety, which may give them suicidal thoughts. OCDs can vary, according to the particular compulsion a person has- not being able to control yourself from picking your nose or popping a pimple/zit until it bleeds, is minor, whereas over-washing, over-thinking and always feeling anxious for some reason or the other, maybe fatal.

Do not let this article slip through your mind. Your support is the need of the hour. Together, we can make this world a better place to live. Let us give all our support to those in need of help, and restore peace and faith in humanity.



Shreya The Randomist

Indian Teen with Mental Health Disorders and Strict Conservative Parents